HealthGuard T18 (康立 T18) - A Thyroid Alternative Medicine 甲狀腺病中成藥

Conrad Health-Guard Products Pte. Ltd. Address: #03-05 Reddot Traffic Building, 28 Maxwell Road, Singapore 069120 Tel: +65 6223-8622 Fax: +65 6223-8621

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thyroid Support Avatar

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Smoking only cause Lung cancers only?

Smoking only causes Lung cancer only?

Findings show that smoking does not only raise lung cancer, but it also has a great effect on your thyroid gland. The effects of cigarette smoking on the thyroid gland have been studied for years. However, the effect of smoking on thyroid function and size is still controversial. Therefore, a recent research has been done and concluded about smoking is associated with an increased risk of developing clinically overt thyroid disease. Furthermore, the data suggested that cumulative cigarette consumption is a risk factor, most pronounced in autoimmune thyroid disease.

See "Cigarette Smoking and Risk of Clinically Overt Thyroid Disease"

From Source:

The best is to maintain your health diet to prevent from getting thyroid disease. Ways of it doesn't only control your food diet, but also your unhealthy habit. Good way is to get yourself a fresh air, fresh workout, healthy food and balance food diet. Learn ways to control your emotions and temper in order to control your hormones in the body. Calm your mind and body down, be fit to prevent risk from any unhealthy disease.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Famous Celebrities with Thyroid disease

Do you know that there's plenty of famous celebrities whom are also diagnosed with Thyroid disease during their past and also co-currently.

Below are several examples of famously known actors/ singers/ others celebrities who have thyroid disease too. These shows that this disease is becoming common and common these days and we should all start to think of ways for self prevention before it's too late. Taking herbal supplements such as HealthGuard T18 is a good start with no side effect and protect your thyroid glands from any incoming dangers possibility.


Known Identity

Thyroid Case

Oprah Winfrey

America's famous daytime diva Oprah Winfrey


Rod Stewart

America famous singer

Benign thyroid nodules

Roger Ebert

Film critic best known for his thumbs up/thumbs down ratings of films.

Thyroid Cancer

Tipper Gore

Tipper Gore, wife of former vice president Al Gore

Thyroid Nodules

Catherine Bell

Actress Catherine Bell (JAG, Army Wives)

Thyroid Cancer

Kelly Osbourne

Reality TV personality and singer Kelly Osbourne -- daughter of reality TV's Sharon Osbourne and her rocker husband Ozzy


Kim Cattrall

Sex and the City actress

Hashimoto's disease

George Bush, Barbara Bush

Former president and former first lady

Graves Disease


Former Model


Joe Piscopo

Comedian and actor

Thyroid Cancer

Linda Ronstadt



Gail Devers

Olympic medallist

Graves Disease

oni Childs


Graves Disease

Dan Snyder

Billionaire Redskins owner and entertainment entrepreneur

Thyroid Cancer

Jillian Michaels

Fitness expert


Marc Ian Barash



Nanci Griggit

Folk Singer

Thyroid cancer

Richard Crenna


Thyroid disease

Karen Smyers

Caliber triathlete

Graves disease

Eli Marero

Baseball Player

Thyroid tumour

Jerry Dipoto

Baseball Player

Hypothyroid with tumour

Megan Stendebach


Thyroid cancer

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sleeping Problems and Health Tips

Sleeping Problems and Health Tips

Do you have these symptoms?

a.. Difficulty waking up in the morning
b.. Inability to concentrate
c.. Falling asleep during classes
d.. Feelings of moodiness and even depression

If you have, then it means that you are not getting enough sleeps.

Research shows that adults need at least 6 hours of sleep while teenagers need at least 9 hours of sleep.

Tips on sleeping

a.. Set a regular bedtime. Going to bed at the same time each night signals to your body that it's time to sleep. Waking up at the same time every day can also help establish sleep patterns. So try to stick to your sleep schedule even on weekends. Don't go to sleep more than an hour later or wake up more than 2 to 3 hours later than you do during the week.
b.. Exercise regularly. Try not to exercise right before bed, though, as it can rev you up and make it harder to fall asleep. Many sleep experts believe that exercising 5 or 6 hours before bedtime (in late afternoon) may actually help a person sleep.
c.. Avoid stimulants. Don't drink beverages with caffeine, such as soda and coffee, after 4 PM. Nicotine is also a stimulant, so quitting smoking may help you sleep better. And drinking alcohol in the evening can also cause a person to be restless and wake up during the night.
d.. Relax your mind. Avoid violent, scary, or action movies or television shows right before bed - anything that might set your mind and heart racing. Reading books with involved or active plots may also keep you from falling or staying asleep.
e.. Unwind by keeping the lights low. Light signals the brain that it's time to wake up. Staying away from bright lights (including computer screens!), as well as meditating or listening to soothing music, can help your body relax.
f.. Don't nap too much. Naps of more than 30 minutes during the day may keep you from falling asleep later.
g.. Create the right sleeping environment. Studies show that people sleep best in a dark room that is slightly on the cool side. Close your blinds or curtains (and make sure they're heavy enough to block out light) and turn down the thermostat in your room (pile on extra blankets or wear PJs if you're cold). Lots of noise can be a sleep turnoff, too.
h.. Wake up with bright light. Bright light in the morning signals to your body that it's time to get going.
Facts: Do you know if you are diagnosed with thyroid, sleeping problems can be one of the symptoms?


Our Products:

1) HealthGuard T18

Functions: It solves/cure all thyroid gland diseases and their symptoms, including hyperthyroid, eyes protruding nodules, pituitary activeness hypothyroid, thyroid disease and graves.

2) Coriolus Versicolor Yunzhi PSP

Functions: Improve the detoxifying ability of liver and the quality of life. Enhance immunity and promotes longevity. Strengthen the spleen and respiratory system. Contain protein-bound polysaccharide to help to fight against cancer cells. Helps alleviate the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. Prove to help patients regain their appetites and also give better quality of sleep

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thyroid Problems Relations To Your Weight Problems

Thyroid Problems Relations To Your Weight Problems.


Thyroid problem do have effects on our weight problems. It is one of the most common symptoms of thyroid disease as a matter of fact. Usually the case for hyperthyroid is the person consistently lose weight no matter how much the person eat whereas for hypothyroid, people usually gain weight even though they tried to minimise their eating diet.


People have been trying so many ways to cure these symptoms like in some common cases below.


Case 1: Losing weight - Dieting with Slimming Pills


Lose some weight through using a combination of dieting and slimming pills. Continue taking 2 pills per day to maintain weight. Follow a strict diet - soupy dishes, vegetables and fruits - every day with no carbohydrates. Only 2 times per week she allows herself to indulge in a lot more food which includes cakes, pastries and snacks.


Is there any side effect and can the erratic diet be harmful in the long term?


Comments: Most slimming pills work by reducing energy intake - either by reducing appetite or blocking the absorption of dietary fat. Prolonged use of slimming pills is not recommended because, among other things, they may have an adverse effect on the heart (Take note: Heart disease is still the No. 2 killer, after cancer). To maintain your weight, you should continue to monitor your food intake and embark on an exercise programme. Preventing weight gain after substantial weight loss probably requires about 60 to 90 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day. Adding resistance training to your exercise plan will help preserve muscle mass. Do consult your doctor before starting any exercise programme.


Advice from: Dr Lee Chian Chau


Case 2: Gaining Weight – Exercise, Stable Diet with High Metabolism


23 year old guy-170cm tall but weighs only 50kg, have not gained weight in the past eight years despite a height increase of more than 10cm. Exercise (swimming), eat a lot during mealtimes, taking weight-gain supplements but unsuccessful. Did a blood test include thyroid but find no problems.


Could it be due to high metabolism/ is it due to any health problems?


Comments:  There are many reasons people may find it difficult to gain weight. Genetics can play a role but individual personalities and the environment can be contributing factors. There are others who lose their appetite for various reasons, including physical or psychological illnesses, chronic pain, depression, emotional stress and side effects from drugs. A comprehensive assessment by your doctor should be able to explain why you are underweight and what you can do to achieve a healthy weight.


Advice from: Dr Stanley Liew is a specialist in endocrinology at Raffles Hospital


Adapted From:



As your question maybe: Can HealthGuard T18 help us to decrease/increase in our weight?


Our Comments: No. HealthGuard T18 is purely to cure the root problems of your thyroid disease and enables your thyroid gland to function naturally back to normal. It helps to clear all your symptoms as well. Thus once it's recover and able to function as per normal, it will result your gland to perform and response according to your own diet which is better compared to your condition before.


Great Health Diet Consumption: Ensure you consume foods from different food groups (fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and alternatives, rice, grains and alternatives) to get a balanced variety of nutrients

Conclusion: Balance your diet for balance in health. Your health is at your own risk!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thyroid News about Parathyroid glands

2009 1st Quater newsletter available at:

Thyroid News about Parathyroid glands and etc.

HealthGuard T18 (康立 T18) - A Thyroid Alternative Medicine 甲狀腺病中成藥: Thyroid Goiter treatment - Adhesive plaster

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

For thyroid disease patients, hyperthyroid or hypothyroid, majority of their cases are experiencing goiter problems and nodules growth at the same time. Thus besides consuming our HealthGuard T18 to help cure their thyroid disease, we also have come up with another way to heal and improve their thyroid symptoms on the neck faster.

Goiplas treatment is designed for thyroid goiter and nodule cases. Patients having Goiplas with HG T18 treatment help symptoms improve faster and effectively. The Goiplas is natural herbal that freshly made and tailored to each patient in capsule form, and can be consumed with HG T18 daily.


Shortlisted Thyroid Events 2004-2008