HealthGuard T18 (康立 T18) - A Thyroid Alternative Medicine 甲狀腺病中成藥

Conrad Health-Guard Products Pte. Ltd. Address: #03-05 Reddot Traffic Building, 28 Maxwell Road, Singapore 069120 Tel: +65 6223-8622 Fax: +65 6223-8621

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dogs got Thyroid function problems...

Today, I met a nice senior with his lovely schnauzer walking along in Discovery Bay when I am now in HK. Schnauzer is not that old est.2-3yrs old, not a reason but the man said that his "poor friend" has thyroid gland problem causing he's quite fat compared to others. Hypothyroidism could be. Poor schnauzer but indeed very lovely still ever after medication!! Hope to pass the man my HealthGuard T18 for his buddy to try! :(
From Ted (HealthGuard)


  • At 2:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yes, some dogs got diabetes too. Heard that they can take Chinese medi, and as daily health supplement~
    mui. (SantaBarbara, US)


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