HealthGuard T18 (康立 T18) - A Thyroid Alternative Medicine 甲狀腺病中成藥

Conrad Health-Guard Products Pte. Ltd. Address: #03-05 Reddot Traffic Building, 28 Maxwell Road, Singapore 069120 Tel: +65 6223-8622 Fax: +65 6223-8621

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Coordinating with HK Thyroid Association (Seminar)

We are collaborating Hong Kong Thyroid Assoication on its activities. Reccently, they have an interview with China Southern Airlines about its services and contributions. Interested parties are suggested to read the article for information, soon release.
We are also conducting a public seminar with the support of Hong Kong Thyroid Association, expected to be held in early 2006. Hope to get interested parties' opinions and indeed welcome comments.


  • At 10:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hope to join the seminar in coming months. As I found the ad note from TT site. Besides, when and through which media I can also find your promotion in S'pore? For other patients, here I found a free e-book downloaded from mary shomon topic about "10 Holiday Diet Success Secrets for Thyroid Patients." Take a glance~

    Susan (Sembawang)

  • At 11:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thanks for your post, Susan.

  • At 12:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    checked that and soon studied. but i heard that, that mary shamon is not a doctor. anyways, why doesn't healthguard also post us some tips on daily health via website?


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