HealthGuard T18 (康立 T18) - A Thyroid Alternative Medicine 甲狀腺病中成藥

Conrad Health-Guard Products Pte. Ltd. Address: #03-05 Reddot Traffic Building, 28 Maxwell Road, Singapore 069120 Tel: +65 6223-8622 Fax: +65 6223-8621

Monday, December 19, 2005

Enough support for S.E.Asia Thyroid Patients?

In Hong Kong for few days, noticed that not much public information for thyroid dysfunction patients as general dietary guidance and support. Besides, we cannot find any statistic regarding thyroid disorders patient numbers in HK as well. Do all patients in Hong Kong got proper care? We hope the Hong Kong Thyroid Association can help in this area!
Ted (HealthGuard Team)


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