HealthGuard T18 (康立 T18) - A Thyroid Alternative Medicine 甲狀腺病中成藥

Conrad Health-Guard Products Pte. Ltd. Address: #03-05 Reddot Traffic Building, 28 Maxwell Road, Singapore 069120 Tel: +65 6223-8622 Fax: +65 6223-8621

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Recommended TV health programs

Recommended TV programs in Hong Kong;
Pearl Wednesday 1am Medical casebook
Jade Wednesday 1:30pm Health issue
Jade Thursday 1:30pm Ms. Pong Pharmaceutical note
Pearl Thursday 8:000pm Health Body Health Mind
And, I found that there are some paid TV programs in Hong Kong. Viewers please go and have a look. Suggest me when more are available please. Let's share.


  • At 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    well.. it's like I thought!


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